Wipro Experience...

WRITTEN TESTTotal Quest: 50 objectives (NoNegative)
Time alloted: 60 Mins
Timings: 12:30 - 01:30pm 

VERBAL: 15 ques 
Comments: English test Was Normal. SimpleSynonyms-Antonyms(2 quest)
2 quest on arrangement of jumbled sentences. few quest was really tough but whosays to trouble your mind on every quest. 

APTITUDE: 15 ques 
Comments: Normal Aptitude questions, i cant tell youthe specific books as i had not prepared like that. 
TECHNICAL: 20 ques Comments: Questions were based on thesubjects of CS Branch. Like C
language programs output, theoretical questions on Binary Tree (around3-4)
questions based on Unix, Operating Systems etc.
I am from EC branch, but still i was able to solve around 8-10 questionscorrectly.

Results declared at 5:00 Pm. Students from outside Noida Colleges were tointerviewed first so i was in the first interview list.
Timings: 9:30 pm and last for around 30 mins 

Technical Interview
Single Panel Member, in all 14 Panels were there.

My Panel mam was a cool young guy (Age around 25).

My entry. Granted permission to sit.

He took my Resume & started his Pistol of questions.

Q. tell me about yourself

Q. tell me about your family background

Q. Directly looking on to my resume he asked me that whypersonality development is necessary for one as i mentioned my interest inbooks of Personality development?

Me : I ans that a nurtured and cherished Personality have an effect oneveryone and a company finds it easy to mould that personality according totheir  requirements. (he was convinced)

Q. Why unix is not much famous in India. ( I said about the rareavailability)

Q. Do u know C language?

Me: I know it as it was in our curriculum in 1st sem but now i m not intouch
of this language.

Q. What is the output of this Program?(A prog of pointer was written on a paper)(Pointing to that prog he said that the same question was asked in his firstinterview)

Me: I will try my level best to solve it. ( But i was unable to solvethat)

Q. What is your most favourite subject in EC?

Me: Sir, I like Digital Electronics.

Q. Tell me your 2nd most favourite?

Me: I like Computer languages like C.

Q. Can you implement NAND gate with NOR gate?

Me: Sure sir, I did it in less than a minute.

Q. Lets check your circuit?

Me: fine sir

He started checking and made some mistakes, then he ask me tocorrect those. I did it very well by correcting the Truth Tables what hehad made.  The circuit was perfectly alright. (He said to me that you are acircuit master)

Q. Ok Raju What is your final year Project?

Me. Explained it in Brief but with clear concepts.

Q. What are the assumptions you have taken in your project?

Me. Explained that

Then he gave me few suggestions to improve my Project. Suggestions to CSbranch students: Thoroughly revise your Project & prepare basicconcepts with some common terms definitions.

Q. Will you work if we change the designation form Program engineer to anyother?

Me: Definitely sir. I want to start from the first step.

Finally, he gave a WIPRO FORM which was to be filled by those whoqualified for Hr Interview

After filling the form, I had my HR Interview. Timing around 10:30Pm. Interview last for 5-10 Mins.

HR Interview
This time a single women of age around 30 yrs.

Q. Describe yourself.

Q. So Mr Raju you read books.

Q. which type of books you read.

Me: Books on personality development

Q. tell me the name of the book you last read.

Me. Magic of thinking Big by D Schwartz.

Q. What you get from that book.

Q. What are your areas of improvement?

Me: wnat to be more dynamic, i am more emtional at work so i want toimprove on that.

Q. Why you feel that your emotional nature creates problem for you?

Me: I was unable to convince her on this point (i think that i lostthe battle here)

She said thank you very much & i leave the room. I came out and feelingrelaxed after several hrs of tension & stress. Results were sent to therespective colleges on the next day morning.

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